PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An anthology of memories, essays, poems, quotes, art, on the theme of memorializing someone who has died using the motif of wildflowers. To be titled. LOVED ONES AND WILDFLOWERS: AN ANTHOLOGY
The Greek word for “anthology” actually refers to flowers and so it is fitting indeed to use the symbols, beauty, and visuals of LOVED ONES AND WILDFLOWERS: AN ANTHOLOGY to express the respect, honor, love, and courage left to use in the wake of someone’s passing through this life into the eternal beyond. People influence, touch, teach, instill courage, share love, give hope, and improve their world as they pass life their life
“Once in a golden hour / I cast to earth a seed / Up there came a flower…”
– Lord Tennyson
LOVED ONES AND WILDFLOWERS: AN ANTHOLOGY / Stroud, Oklahoma: The Arts café, 2023. A collection of poems, essays, memories, and other creative projects that honor people lost during the Covid Pandemic and during that time. Funds raised through donations and sales of the finished product will benefit the arts programs of The Arts Café of Stroud, Oklahoma. Their mission is to make the world beautiful one artistic project at a time.
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